Ex Motor Repairs
Hazardous Area Motor Repairs
Yarmouth Rewinds Engineers have vast experience in repairing Ex Motors, from gas rigs in the southern North Sea to hazardous
sites on the Norfolk coast. If you operate a site with potentially explosive atmospheres, then by using only a IECEx/BASEEFA Licensed
repairer, you will be:
■ Employing a NO COST method of selecting a competent Ex repairer.
■ Gaining greater confidence that repaired equipment is fit to use in potentially explosive environments.
■ Adding value to your safety case.
■ Meeting ATEX obligations.
■ Reducing your potential liabilities.
On completion of repairs, all Ex machines are issued with a set of test and conformity certificates to validate the repair,
(we also keep a copy for our own recording systems). A repair label is fitted to each machine as per the BS IEC 79-19 standard,
(Repair and Overhaul Apparatus in Explosive Atmospheres).
The label also contains our BASEEFA repair reference licence number.
The repairs are carried out under controlled conditions by engineers who have attended the AEMT course, (Repair
and Overhaul Apparatus in Explosive Atmospheres); they are fully trained and competent in this type of work.
We are certified to BS IEC 60079-19-1993 and all our work will be in compliance with this, and other relevant construction standards.