Yarmouth Rewinds Limited – IECEx Certified Service Facility
The Accredited way to Repair/Service Facility Programme
The scheme covers the repair and overhaul of equipment used in potentially explosive atmospheres,
providing both OEM’s (original equipment manufacturers) and end users with the confidence that repair
workshops work in accordance with strict technical and quality system requirements laid down within an
International (IEC) framework.
Working to IEC 60079-19 Explosive Atmospheres – Part 19 Equipment Repair, Overhaul and Reclamation
(and IECEx System Documents OD/014 and 15) Our Service Facility is assessed to ensure that the essential
aspects of the Quality Management System Procedures, The Working Environment, Staff Competence,
Repair Methods and Calibration of Test and Measurement Equipment are satisfactorily operated and maintained
The end result is the issue of an IECEx Certificate of Conformity, demonstrating that the Service Facility can carry
out the repair and overhaul of equipment in accordance with the requirements of the published standards.
Advantage of the Scheme
The IECEx Service Facilities Programme independently ensures the Repair Facilities capability and imparts
an International status that gives confidence to its Customers and a competitive edge to its services.
It offers a credible alternative to other, non–accredited schemes and addresses concerns within industry
over poor standards of overhaul work. Many Companies are now insisting that they work only with
the Repair and Overhaul Organisations that are certified by accredited bodies.
Our Certificate can be viewed on the publicaly accessible IECEx Website.